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Hope welfare foundationHope welfare foundation  
“I slept and dreamt that life was joy,
 I awoke and saw that life was service,
 I served and then realized that
 service itself was joy “
- Rabindranath Tagore  
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  Hope welfare foundation
Hope welfare foundation  
Welcome to Hope welfare foundation
Hope welfare foundation

Hope Welfare Foundation was started with the following three strong beliefs:

1. One must pay back to the society in whatever way one can.
2. Our capacity to work for others is maximum when we are financially sound,     physically strong and mentally fit.
3. There is a great need of transparent and efficient NGOs to carry out welfare     projects.

Hope Welfare Foundation was started in Feb. 05’ by 47 young individuals, all in mid forties coming from different industries/profession, well established, reputed and successful in their business and with excellent contacts. Most important of all, they all have fire in their heart to do something good for the society and courage to experiment new ideas for the benefit of the society.

HOPE is a non-hierarchical organization. No post, no designation, all members are equal and contribute in whatever way they can. 100% of the donation money is used for social welfare projects in the most efficient and transparent way.

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