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Hope welfare foundationHope welfare foundation  
“If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people. “
- Chinese proverb  
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Hope welfare foundation » Education
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Hope welfare foundation  
Education For Underprivileged Children
Hope welfare foundation
Hope works with non-governmental organization to bring out socio-economic changes in the society by providing affordable education to socially and economically deprived children.

Hope supports children education by way of :

Providing personal tuition , uniforms, school bags to the children
Closely monitoring each student performance and counseling student and their parents if necessary.
Educating parents for the need and importance of education to their children
Organizing educational programs.


HOPE is supporting 450 slum children's education at an unbelievable cost of just Rs. 800 per child per year. So adopt few children and help them become an engineer, a doctor or at least a good citizen. Every year HOPE updates the donors on the progress of the adopted children.
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