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Hope welfare foundationHope welfare foundation  
“I slept and dreamt that life was joy,
 I awoke and saw that life was service,
 I served and then realized that
 service itself was joy “
- Rabindranath Tagore  
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Hope welfare foundation  
The Joy of Giving Week was celebrated all over India from September 27 to October 3, 2009. Conceptualized by Give India, this unique and ambitious initiative aimed to get people from all walks of life together to engage in acts of giving- money, time, skills or simple acts of kindness.Cricket icon Mr. Sachin Tendulkar and noted actress Ms. Nandita Das pledged their support in the inaugural press meet on June 3rd in Mumbai.

Hope Welfare Foundation was a Participating Organisation along with Rotary Club , Midtown in Rajkot City. During the whole week many social activities were carried out involving 5000 school childrens and enthusiastic citizens of Rajkot. Following activities were successfully carried out during the week :

1. 2000 kg. of used cloths were collected from around 2500 apartments

2. 5 tons of dry ration was collected

3. General awareness rally involving 5000 school children was conducted.

4. Free diagnostic camps for dental, diabetes and eye examination were conducted.

5. Rs. 50000 cash was collected as a donation.

6. 1000 pledges for eye donation was signed.

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